Aptima, Inc.
Looking for the following positions:
General domains: AI and Education, Graph Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Sequential Optimization
Data Scientist: Aptima is always looking for experienced, creative data scientists to help develop big-data applications, especially as it relates to training and education.
Data Scientist/Software Engineer: https://aptima.applicantpro.com/jobs/276609.html
Scientist/Engineer: https://aptima.applicantpro.com/jobs/270193.html
High-Level Areas of Interest
Applications, Cognitive Modeling, Heuristic Search and Optimization, Human-Aware AI, Human-Computation and Crowd Sourcing, Humans and AI, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning Applications, Machine Learning Methods, NLP and Knowledge Representation, NLP and Machine Learning, NLP and Text Mining, Planning and Scheduling, Reasoning under Uncertainty, Vision