GPPC: Grid-Based Path Planning Competition
A wide variety of researchers have used grid-based maps as testbeds for search and they are also used in many deployed applications. There has been, however, a shortage of comparisons between existing work, and many published techniques may not apply in more real-world situations. The advent of widely available benchmark problems ( is one step towards encouraging comparison between existing approaches. The Grid-Based Path Planning Competition (GPPC), begun in 2012, is the second half of this effort. Individuals and researchers interested in grid-based path planning are encouraged to enter their code into the competition. This will provide a meaningful comparison between many approaches that was previously unavilable.
Competition Update - August 2021
The GPPC will be resuming in 2021, with new competition options and submission formats. The full details will be released shortly, but include:- Support for any-angle pathfinding
- Lower overhead for the competition software
- Semi-automated test server for submissions
- New maps/benchmarks
- Chair: Daniel Harabor (Monash University)
- Chair: Nathan Sturtevant (University of Alberta)
- Shizhe Zhao (Monash University)
- Zhe (Mike) Chen (Monash University)
Past links: