Sliding Tile Puzzle
The sliding-tile puzzle is a standard testbed problem that has been used for more than 50 years in Artificial Intelligence and search. The generalized sliding-tile puzzle is NP-hard. The 15-puzzle has 16!/2 = 10,461,394,944,000 states. The asymptotic branching factor of the 15-puzzle is 2.1304.Instructions
- Reset the puzzle to begin.
- Try to solve the puzzle in as few moves as possible.
- In the goal the blank is in the upper-left corner, and all tiles are in order from 1-15.
- Click on a tile to slide it into the blank position.
- When you have solved the puzzle, compare your solution length to a fast suboptimal solver.
to random puzzle
About this demo
Benchmark Problems
Some standard problems that have been used in the literature include:- 100 Korf instances. Taken from (Korf, 1985).
- 1000 Felner instances. Taken from (Korf and Felner, 2002).