Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // * patrolUnit.cpp
3 // * hog
4 // *
5 // * Created by Nathan Sturtevant on 3/23/06.
6 // * Copyright 2006 Nathan Sturtevant, University of Alberta. All rights reserved.
7 // *
8 // * This file is part of HOG.
9 // *
10 // * HOG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 // * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 // * (at your option) any later version.
14 // *
15 // * HOG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 // *
20 // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 // * along with HOG; if not, write to the Free Software
22 // * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
23 // *
24 // */
25 //
26 //#include "AbsMapPatrolUnit.h"
27 //
28 //using namespace GraphAbstractionConstants;
29 //
30 //AbsMapPatrolUnit::AbsMapPatrolUnit(int _x, int _y, SearchAlgorithm* alg)
31 //:SearchUnit(_x,_y,NULL,alg)
32 //{
33 // std::cout<<"Being created\n";
34 // xyLoc l;
35 // l.x = _x;
36 // l.y = _y;
37 // Locs.push_back(l);
38 //
39 // //setObjectType(kWorldObject);
40 // currTarget = -1;
41 // nodesExpanded = nodesTouched = 0;
42 //}
43 //
60 //
61 //AbsMapPatrolUnit::~AbsMapPatrolUnit()
62 //{
63 //}
64 //
65 //bool AbsMapPatrolUnit::makeMove(MapProvider *mp, reservationProvider *, AbsMapSimulationInfo *, tDirection &dir)
66 //{
67 // std::cout<<"CurrTarget "<<currTarget<<std::endl;
68 // MapAbstraction *aMap = mp->GetMapAbstraction();
69 // if (moves.size() > 0)
70 // {
71 // dir = moves.back();
72 // moves.pop_back();
73 // return true;
74 // }
75 //
76 // if (currTarget != -1)
77 // {
78 // goToLoc(aMap, currTarget);
79 // currTarget = (currTarget+1)%Locs.size();
80 // if (moves.size() > 0)
81 // {
82 // dir = moves.back();
83 // moves.pop_back();
84 // return true;
85 // }
86 // }
87 // dir = kStay;
88 // return true;
89 //}
90 //
91 //double AbsMapPatrolUnit::goToLoc(MapAbstraction *aMap, int which)
92 //{
93 // std::cout<<"goToLoc\n";
94 // double pathCost=-1;
95 // path *p;
96 // node *from, *to;
97 // from = aMap->GetNodeFromMap(loc.x, loc.y); // gets my location
98 // int tox=Locs[which].x;
99 // int toy=Locs[which].y;
100 // //Locs[which].getLocation(tox, toy);
102 // to = aMap->GetNodeFromMap(tox, toy);
103 // p = algorithm->GetPath(aMap, from, to);
104 // nodesExpanded += algorithm->GetNodesExpanded();
105 // nodesTouched += algorithm->GetNodesTouched();
106 // if (p)
107 // {
108 // pathCost = aMap->distance(p);
109 // addPathToCache(p);
110 // }
111 // return pathCost;
112 //}
113 //
114 //void AbsMapPatrolUnit::OpenGLDraw(const AbsMapEnvironment *ame, const AbsMapSimulationInfo *) const
115 //
116 //{
117 // GLdouble xx, yy, zz, rad;
118 // Map *map = ame->GetMap();
119 // int posx = loc.x, posy = loc.y;
120 // map->GetOpenGLCoord(posx, posy, xx, yy, zz, rad);
121 // glColor3f(r, g, b);
122 // glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
124 // glVertex3f(xx, yy, zz-rad/2);
125 // for (int t = moves.size()-1; t >= 0; t--)
126 // {
127 // posx += ((moves[t]&kE)?1:0) - ((moves[t]&kW)?1:0);
128 // posy += ((moves[t]&kS)?1:0) - ((moves[t]&kN)?1:0);
129 //
130 // map->GetOpenGLCoord(posx, posy, xx, yy, zz, rad);
131 //
133 // glVertex3f(xx, yy, zz-rad/2);
134 // }
135 // glEnd();
136 //
137 // map->GetOpenGLCoord(loc.x, loc.y, xx, yy, zz, rad);
138 // glColor3f(r, g, b);
139 // DrawSphere(xx, yy, zz, rad);
140 //}
141 //
142 //void AbsMapPatrolUnit::addPatrolLocation(xyLoc ru)
143 //{
144 //
145 // currTarget = 1;
146 // Locs.push_back(ru);
147 //}
148 //
149 //xyLoc AbsMapPatrolUnit::GetGoal()
150 //{
151 // if (currTarget == -1)
152 // {
153 // xyLoc l;
154 // l.x = -1;
155 // l.y = -1;
156 // return l;
157 // }
158 // return Locs[currTarget];
159 //}
160 //
161 //void AbsMapPatrolUnit::addPathToCache(path *p)
162 //{
163 // // we are at the last move; abort recursion
164 // if ((p == NULL) || (p->next == NULL))
165 // return;
166 // // there is another move; add it first to cache
167 // if (p->next->next)
168 // addPathToCache(p->next);
169 //
170 // // ----- Ok, we have a path starting at (x,y) [the current location] and
171 // // having at least one more state ----------------------------------------
172 //
173 // // Take the first move off the path and execute it
174 // int result = kStay;
175 //
176 // // Decide on the horizontal move
177 // switch ((p->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData)-p->next->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData)))
178 // {
179 // case -1: result = kE; break;
180 // case 0: break;
181 // case 1: result = kW; break;
182 // default :
183 // printf("SU: %s : The (x) nodes in the path are not next to each other!\n",
184 // this->GetName());
185 // printf("Distance is %ld\n",
186 // p->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData)-p->next->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData));
187 // std::cout << *p->n << "\n" << *p->next->n << "\n";
188 // exit(10); break;
189 // }
190 //
191 // // Tack the vertical move onto it
192 // // Notice the exploit of particular encoding of kStay, kE, etc. labels
193 // switch ((p->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData+1)-p->next->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData+1)))
194 // {
195 // case -1: result = result|kS; break;
196 // case 0: break;
197 // case 1: result = result|kN; break;
198 // default :
199 // printf("SU: %s : The (y) nodes in the path are not next to each other!\n",
200 // this->GetName());
201 // printf("Distance is %ld\n",
202 // p->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData+1)-p->next->n->GetLabelL(kFirstData+1));
203 // std::cout << *p->n << "\n" << *p->next->n << "\n";
204 // exit(10); break;
205 // }
206 // moves.push_back((tDirection)result);
207 //}
208 //
209 //void AbsMapPatrolUnit::logStats(StatCollection *stats)
210 //{
211 // if (((nodesExpanded == 0) && (nodesTouched != 0)) ||
212 // ((nodesExpanded != 0) && (nodesTouched == 0)))
213 // {
214 // printf("Error; somehow nodes touched/expanded are inconsistent. t:%d e:%d\n",
215 // nodesTouched, nodesExpanded);
216 // }
217 // // printf("SearchUnit::logStats(nodesExpanded=%d, nodesTouched=%d)\n",nodesExpanded,nodesTouched);
218 // if (nodesExpanded != 0)
219 // stats->AddStat("nodesExpanded", GetName(), (long)nodesExpanded);
220 // if (nodesTouched != 0)
221 // stats->AddStat("nodesTouched", GetName(), (long)nodesTouched);
222 // nodesExpanded = nodesTouched = 0;
223 //}
224 //
225 //void AbsMapPatrolUnit::LogFinalStats(StatCollection *stats)
226 //{
227 // algorithm->LogFinalStats(stats);
228 //}