Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* @file AbsMapPatrolUnit.h
3 //* @package HOG2
4 //*
5 //* @author Nathan Sturtevant
6 //* @date Modified for HOG2 on June 18, 2007
7 //*
8 //*/
9 //
12 //
13 //#include "SearchUnit.h"
14 //#include "SearchAlgorithm.h"
15 //#include "GLUtil.h"
16 //
17 //class AbsMapPatrolUnit : public SearchUnit {
18 //public:
19 // AbsMapPatrolUnit(int x, int y, SearchAlgorithm* alg);
20 // virtual ~AbsMapPatrolUnit();
21 // virtual const char *GetName() { return "AbsMapPatrolUnit"; }
22 //
23 // virtual bool done() { return false; }
24 //
25 // virtual bool makeMove(MapProvider *, reservationProvider *, AbsMapSimulationInfo *simInfo, tDirection &);
26 // virtual bool MakeMove(AbsMapEnvironment *ame, OccupancyInterface<xyLoc, tDirection> *, AbsMapSimulationInfo *si, tDirection &dir){ return makeMove(ame->GetMapAbstraction(), 0, si,dir); }
27 // //void OpenGLDraw(int window, MapProvider *, AbsMapSimulationInfo *);
28 // virtual void OpenGLDraw(const AbsMapEnvironment *, const AbsMapSimulationInfo *) const;
29 // void addPatrolLocation(xyLoc);
30 // xyLoc GetGoal();
31 // void GetGoal(xyLoc &gs) { SearchUnit::GetGoal(gs); }
32 //
33 // void UpdateLocation(AbsMapEnvironment *, xyLoc &l, bool success, AbsMapSimulationInfo *si) { updateLocation(l.x, l.y, success, si); }
34 // void updateLocation(int _x, int _y, bool worked, AbsMapSimulationInfo *)
35 // { loc.x = _x; loc.y = _y; if (!worked) { moves.resize(0); if (currTarget != -1) currTarget = 0; } }
36 // void logStats(StatCollection *stats);
37 // void LogFinalStats(StatCollection *stats);
38 //private:
39 // double goToLoc(MapAbstraction *aMap, int which);
40 // void addPathToCache(path *p);
41 // //std::vector<tDirection> moves;
42 // std::vector<xyLoc> Locs;
45 // //SearchAlgorithm *algorithm;
46 //
47 // int currTarget;
48 // int nodesExpanded;
49 // int nodesTouched;
50 //};
51 //
52 //#endif