Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- h -
- h
: AbsGraphEnvironment
, AStarOpenClosedData< state >
, AStarOpenClosedDataWithF< state >
, BDIndexOpenClosedData< state >
, BDOpenClosedData< state >
, DPSData< state >
, DVCBSOpenClosedData< state >
, EBSearch< state, action, environment, DFS >
, EPEAOpenClosedData< state >
, FixedSizeSet< T, Hash >
, FMMOpenClosedData< state >
, Focal< state, action, environment >::SearchState
, FocalAdd< state, action, environment >::SearchState
, focalOpenClosed::FocalOpenClosedData< state >
, FringeSearch
, GraphAbstraction
, GraphEnvironment
, heuristicProvider
, HeuristicTableEntry
, IBEX::IBEX< state, action, environment, DFS >
, IncrementalBGS< state, action >
, IncrementalBTS< state, action >
, IncrementalIDA< state, action >
, IndexOpenClosedData< state >
, IndexOpenClosedDataWithF< state >
, IOSOpenClosedData< state >
, LoadedBBAbstraction
, LoadedCliqueAbstraction
, MapEnvironment
, OffsetHeuristic< state >
, OptimisticOpenClosedData< state >
, PermutationPuzzle::ArbitraryGoalPermutation< state, environment >
, WeightedHeuristic< state >
, xyhLoc
- h1
: BOAStar< state, action, environment >
, HLRTA::learnedData< state >
- h2
: BOAStar< state, action, environment >
, HLRTA::learnedData< state >
- h_increment
: MNPuzzle< width, height >
, TopSpin< N, k >
- halfTile()
: halfTile
- HandleBatchedStates()
: DelayedHeuristicAStar< state, action, environment, batchHeuristic, openList >
- HandleNeighbor()
: AStarDelay
- HandleNeighborX()
: AStarDelay
- HandleTeleports()
: SnakeBird::SnakeBird
- Hash()
: BloomFilter
- hash
: DelayedHeuristicAStar< state, action, environment, batchHeuristic, openList >::tempData
, Focal< state, action, environment >
, FocalAdd< state, action, environment >
- Hash()
: MinBloomFilter
, PermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< state, action >
- hash_ap()
: bloom_filter
- hash_count()
: bloom_filter
- hashKey
: AngleUtil::AngleSearchNode
, OldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNode< state >
, TopSpinGraphData
- HasHole()
: FlingBoard
- hashTable
: BOAStar< state, action, environment >
, FixedSizeSet< T, Hash >
, TopSpinGraph
- hashTableSize
: FixedSizeSet< T, Hash >
- HasObstacle()
: FlingBoard
- HasPiece()
: FlingBoard
- HaveExpandedState()
: AStarEpsilon< state, action, environment >
, DelayedHeuristicAStar< state, action, environment, batchHeuristic, openList >
, EPEAStar< state, action, environment >
, ImprovedOptimisticSearch< state, action, environment >
, OptimisticSearch< state, action, environment >
, PEAStar< state, action, environment >
, TemplateAStar< state, action, environment, openList >
- HCost()
: AbsGraphEnvironment
, AirplaneEnvironment
, ArmToArmCompressedHeuristic
, ArmToArmHeuristic
, ArmToTipHeuristic
, BurnedPancakePuzzle
, CanonicalGraphEnvironment
, CanonicalGrid::CanonicalGrid
, ConfigEnvironment
- hCost
: costs
- HCost()
: DALRTA::daLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, Directional2DEnvironment
, DWG::DynamicWeightedGrid< sectorSize >
, DWG::DynamicWeightedGridEnvironment
, EBSearch< state, action, environment, DFS >
, EuclideanDistance
, Fling
, FlipSide
, FLRTA::FLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- hCost
: FLRTA::learnedStateData< state >
- HCost()
: gLSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, GraphDistanceHeuristic
, GraphEnvironment
, GraphHeuristic
, GraphHeuristicContainer
, GraphInconsistencyExamples::GraphHeuristic
, GraphLabelHeuristic
, GraphMapHeuristic
, GraphMapInconsistentHeuristic
, GraphMapPerfectHeuristic
, GraphPuzzleDistanceHeuristic< width, height >
, GraphRefinementEnvironment
, GraphStraightLineHeuristic
, Heuristic< state >
, Hexagon
, HexagonEnvironment
, IBEX::IBEX< state, action, environment, DFS >
, LRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, LSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, Map2DConstrainedEnvironment
, Map2DHeading
, Map2DSectorAbstraction
, Map3DGrid
, MapEnvironment
, MCEnvironment
, MNAgentEnvironment
, MNPuzzle< width, height >
, MountainCarEnvironment
, NaryTree
, NQueens
, OctileHeuristic
, OffsetHeuristic< state >
, PancakePuzzle< N >
, PDBHeuristic< abstractState, abstractAction, abstractEnvironment, state, pdbBits >
, PermutationPuzzle::ArbitraryGoalPermutation< state, environment >
, PermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< state, action >
, Racetrack
, RC
, RoadMap
, RoboticArm
, RoboticArmHeuristic
, Rubik7Edge
, RubikArbitraryGoalPDB
, RubikDualPDB
, RubikEdge
, RubiksCorner
, RubiksCube
, SearchEnvironment< state, action >
, SequenceAlignment
, SFBDPancakeEnvironment
, SnakeBird::SnakeBird
, SteeringEnvironment
, TOH< disks >
, TopSpin< N, k >
, TopSpinGraphHeuristic
, VoxelGrid
, Voxels
, WeightedHeuristic< state >
, Witness< width, height >
, ZeroHeuristic< state >
- hCost1
: BOAStar< state, action, environment >::item
- HCost1()
: HLRTA::HLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- hCost2
: BOAStar< state, action, environment >::item
- HCost2()
: HLRTA::HLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- HCostLearned()
: DALRTA::daLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, gLSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, LSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- hDist
: TopSpin< N, k >
- head
: Treap< key >
- header
: Voxels::voxelWorld
- heading
: airplaneState
, mcMovementState
, steeringState
- headingOffset
: mcData
- Heap()
: Heap
- HeapifyDown()
: AStarOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
, BDIndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
, BDOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
, Heap
, IndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
, OpenClosedList< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey >
, OpenListB< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey, SpecialKey, CmpKeyStrictExtract >
- HeapifyUp()
: AStarOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
, BDIndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
, BDOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
, Heap
, IndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
, OpenClosedList< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey >
, OpenListB< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey, SpecialKey, CmpKeyStrictExtract >
, Treap< key >
- height
: airplaneAction
, AirplaneEnvironment
, airplaneState
, BidirectionalProblemAnalyzer< state, action, environment >
, BitMapPic
, CGSize
, FlingBoard
, Map
, MNAgentPuzzleState
, SnakeBird::SnakeBird
- heur
: DALRTA::daLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, gLSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, HLRTA::HLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, LRTAStar< state, action, environment >
, LSSLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- heuristic()
: AbstractionSearchEnvironment
, borderData< state >
, ClusterSearchEnvironment
, DALRTA::borderData< state >
, EDAStar< state, action, verbose >
- Heuristic()
: Heuristic< state >
- heuristic
: IDAStar< state, action, verbose >
, IDAStarCR< state, action, buckets, verbose >
, MeroB
, OldSearchCode::GraphSearchEnvironment
, OldSearchCode::MapGraphSearchEnvironment
, OldSearchCode::MapSearchEnvironment
, OldSearchCode::SearchEnvironment
, ParallelIDAStar< environment, state, action >
, Racetrack
- HeuristicLookupBuffer()
: HeuristicLookupBuffer< state, Environment >
- heuristics
: Directional2DEnvironment
, GraphDistanceHeuristic
, GraphHeuristicContainer
, Heuristic< state >
, RoboticArm
- HeuristicTable()
: HeuristicTable
- HeuristicTableEntry()
: HeuristicTableEntry
- hex
: HexagonEnvironment
, rgbColor
- Hexagon()
: Hexagon
- HexagonEnvironment
: Hexagon
, HexagonEnvironment
- HexagonSearchState()
: HexagonSearchState
- HexagonState()
: HexagonState
- hidden
: NN
, Plotting::Line
- hiddens
: NN
- hillPeakFrequency
: MountainCarEnvironment
- histogram
: Heuristic< state >
- history
: IncrementalBFS< state, action >
, IncrementalBGS< state, action >
, IncrementalBTS< state, action >
, IncrementalDFID< state, action >
, IncrementalIDA< state, action >
, RC
, RubiksCube
, TopSpin< N, k >
- historyIndex
: UnitInfo< state, action, environment >
- hitGoal
: RacetrackMove
- HitNodeLimit()
: HeuristicLookupBuffer< state, Environment >
- hitTheWall()
: WitnessState< width, height >
- HLRTAStar()
: HLRTA::HLRTAStar< state, action, environment >
- hmode
: GraphMapInconsistentHeuristic
- holes
: FlingBoard
- horiz
: Witness< width, height >::mustCrossEdgeConstraint
- hp
: FringeSearch
- hpaStar()
: hpaStar
- hsl()
: rgbColor
- hTable
: dirHeuristicTable
- hType
: Directional2DEnvironment
- hue2rgb()
: rgbColor
- humanUnit()
: humanUnit