Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAbsGraphEnvironmentA graph environment to use with the a graph abstraction
 CAbsMapUnitA simple map-based unit
 CAbstractWeightedSearchAlgorithmA search algorithm which combines direction maps with abstraction
 CaStar2A implementation of A* which just re-uses code from PRA*
 CAStarEpsilonA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CaStarOldA sample A* implementation
 CBilliardBallUnitA configurable billiard ball unit
 CClusterAbstractionCluster abstraction for HPA* algorithm as described in (Botea,Mueller,Schaeffer 2004)
 CcorridorAStarCorridor AStar builds a a* path between two nodes, restricting itself to a particular corridor, if defined
 CcraStarThe pra* search algorithm which does partial pathfinding using abstraction
 CDelayedHeuristicAStarA templated version of A*, based on TemplateAStar, which delays heuristic lookups as long as possible and batches them
 CDPSDataA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CedgeEdge class for connections between node in a Graph
 CEPEAStarA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CFocalA generic focal list algorithm
 CFocalAddA generic focal list algorithm that returns linearly bounded solutions Open is sorted by f; provide a function for sorting focal Provide a weight w Given minimum f in open, anything up to w*minf goes into focal Expand from focal until empty; otherwise expand from open
 CGenericSearchUnitA general unit which collects path information from a GenericSearchAlgorithm and incrementally executes that path in the world
 CGraphA generic Graph class
 Cgraph_objectParent class for nodes and edges allowing them to be stored in a Heap or manipulated with other data structures
 CGraphAbstractionA generic class for basic operations on Graph abstractions
 CGraphOccupancyInterfaceOccupancy interface which works with graphState and graphMove A wrapper to use with an exisitng BaseMapOccupancyInterface
 CHeapA simple & efficient Heap class which uses Graph objects
 ChpaStarHPA* algorithm as described in (Botea,Mueller,Schaeffer 2004)
 CImprovedOptimisticSearchA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CIndexOpenClosedDataThis open/closed list is designed for state spaces where the hash is an index that is small enough that we can create a table for all indices
 CJsonSimple class that alows for building a tree of data that can be serialized into Json format
 CLexPermutationPDBThis class does the basic permutation calculation with a regular N^2 permutation computation
 CLoadedCliqueAbstractionA loaded abstraction based on the reduction of cliques
 CMapA tile-based representation of the world
 CMapCliqueAbstractionA map abstraction based on the reduction of cliques
 CMapUnitA simple map-based unit
 CMR1PermutationPDBThis class uses the first of two Myrvold-Russkey ranking functions which run in linear time, but does not produce a lexicographical ranking
 CNBitArrayThis class supports compact n-bit arrays
 CnodeNodes to be stored within a Graph
 COldTemplateAStarA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 COpenClosedListA simple Heap class
 COpenListBA simple & efficient Heap class
 COptimisticSearchA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CpathA linked list of nodes which form a continuous path
 CPEAStarA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CPermutationPDBThis class does the basic permutation calculation with a regular N^2 permutation computation
 CpraStarThe pra* search algorithm which does partial pathfinding using abstraction
 CpraStar2The pra* search algorithm which does partial pathfinding using abstraction
 CpraStarUnitA unit which caches path information to speed pra*
 CRandomerUnitA unit that moves in random directions for every step
 CRandomUnitA unit that moves in random directions changing direction randomly
 CrecVecA generic vector (essentially the same as a point, but offers normalization)
 CrgbColorA color; r/g/b are between 0...1
 CRHRUnitA simple unit that attempts to follow walls using the right hand rule
 CScenarioLoaderA class which loads and stores scenarios from files
 CSearchAlgorithmA generic algorithm which can be used for pathfinding
 CSearchUnitA general unit which collects path information from a SearchAlgorithm and incrementally executes that path in the world
 CSharedAMapGroupA group which incrementally builds a map of the world as the units in the group explore the Graph
 CStatCollectionFor collecting stats across different parts of the simulation
 CTeleportUnitA unit which randomly teleports around the world
 CTemplateAStarA templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CTimeStepPrivate per-unit unitSimulation data
 CTreePermutationPDBThis class does the basic permutation calculation in lexicographical order
 CUnitSimulationThe basic simulation class for the world