Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAStarCompare< state >
 CAStarCompareWithF< state >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, AStarCompare< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, BFHSCompare< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, EPEAStarCompare< state >, EPEAOpenClosedData< xyLoc > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, FLRTA::dblCmp< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, GBFSCompare< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, IBEX::BFHSCompare< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, IncrementalBGS::BFHSCompare >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, IOSCompare< state >, IOSOpenClosedData< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, OptimisticCompare< state >, OptimisticOpenClosedData< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosed< state, PEAStarCompare< state > >
 CAStarOpenClosedData< state >
 CAStarOpenClosedDataWithF< state >
 CBDCompare< state >
 CBDIndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
 CBDIndexOpenClosedData< state >
 CBDOpenClosed< state, CmpKey0, CmpKey1, dataStructure >
 CBDOpenClosedData< state >
 CBFHSCompare< state >
 CIBEX::BFHSCompare< state >
 CIncrementalBGS< state, action >::BFHSCompare
 CBFS< state, action, environment >
 CBIdijkstra< state, action, environment, priorityQueue >
 CBidirectionalProblemAnalyzer< state, action, environment >
 CBOAStar< state, action, environment >
 CDALRTA::borderData< state >
 CFLRTA::borderData< state >
 CborderData< state >
 CBucketOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
 CCombinations< N >
 CDALRTA::compareBorderData< state >
 CFLRTA::compareBorderData< state >
 CcompareBorderData< state >
 CcompareStateData< state >
 CConstraint< state >
 CIBEX::IBEX< state, action, environment, DFS >::costInterval
 CIncrementalBGS< state, action >::costInterval
 CIncrementalBTS< state, action >::costInterval
 CIncrementalIDA< state, action >::currSearchState
 CIncrementalBTS< state, action >::currSearchState
 CFLRTA::dblCmp< state >
 CDFID< state, action >
 CDFS< state, action >
 CDPSData< state >A templated version of A*, based on HOG genericAStar
 CDVCBS< state, action, environment, dataStructure, priorityQueue >
 CDVCBSOpenClosed< state, dataStructure >
 CDVCBSOpenClosed< state >
 CDVCBSOpenClosedData< state >
 CDVCBSQueue< state, epsilon, isAllSolutions >
 CDVCBSQueue< state >
 CDynamicPotentialSearch< state, action, environment >
 CEBSearch< state, action, environment, DFS >
 CEDAStar< state, action, verbose >
 CEntropy< State, Action >
 CEPEAOpenClosedData< state >
 CEPEAStarCompare< state >
 CFixedSizeSet< T, Hash >::field
 CFixedSizeSet< T, Hash >
 CfMM< state, action, environment, priorityQueue >
 CfMMCompare< state, epsilon >
 CFMMOpenClosedData< state >
 CfocalOpenClosed::FocalOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
 CfocalOpenClosed::FocalOpenClosedData< state >
 CFocal< state, action, environment >::FocalTreapItem
 CFocalAdd< state, action, environment >::FocalTreapItem
 CFrontierBFS< state, action >
 CfssIterator< T >
 CGBFSCompare< state >
 CGenericSearchAlgorithm< state, action, environment >
 CGenericSearchAlgorithm< xyLoc, tDirection, MapEnvironment >
 CglssLearnedData< state >
 Cgraph_objectParent class for nodes and edges allowing them to be stored in a Heap or manipulated with other data structures
 CGraphAbstractionA generic class for basic operations on Graph abstractions
 CGraphCheck< state, action >
 Cstd::hash< canGraphState >
 Cstd::hash< FlingBoard >
 Cstd::hash< MNPuzzleState< w, h > >
 Cstd::hash< PancakePuzzleState< N > >
 Cstd::hash< RubikEdgeStateArray >
 Cstd::hash< RubikEdgeStateBits >
 Cstd::hash< RubiksCornerStateArray >
 Cstd::hash< RubiksCornerStateBits >
 Cstd::hash< RubiksState >
 Cstd::hash< SnakeBird::SnakeBirdState >
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< double, double > >
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< graphState, graphState > >
 Cstd::hash< voxelGridState >
 Cstd::hash< VoxelUtils::triangle >
 Cstd::hash< VoxelUtils::vn >
 Cstd::hash< xyLoc >
 CHeapA simple & efficient Heap class which uses Graph objects
 CHeuristic< state >
 CHeuristic< abstractGridState >
 CHeuristic< abstractState >
 CHeuristic< airplaneState >
 CHeuristic< armAngles >
 CHeuristic< BurnedPancakePuzzleState >
 CHeuristic< canGraphState >
 CHeuristic< FlingBoard >
 CHeuristic< FlipSideState >
 CHeuristic< graphState >
 CHeuristic< HexagonSearchState >
 CHeuristic< HexagonState >
 CHeuristic< intersection >
 CHeuristic< mcMovementState >
 CHeuristic< MNAgentPuzzleState >
 CHeuristic< MountainCarState >
 CHeuristic< NaryState >
 CHeuristic< NQueenState >
 CHeuristic< pancakeStatePair >
 CHeuristic< RacetrackState >
 CHeuristic< RCState >
 CHeuristic< recVec >
 CHeuristic< Rubik7EdgeState >
 CHeuristic< RubikEdgeState >
 CHeuristic< RubiksCornerState >
 CHeuristic< RubiksState >
 CHeuristic< SequenceAlignmentState >
 CHeuristic< SnakeBirdState >
 CHeuristic< state3d >
 CHeuristic< steeringState >
 CHeuristic< TOHState< disks > >
 CHeuristic< TOHState< totalDisks > >
 CHeuristic< voxelGridState >
 CHeuristic< voxelState >
 CHeuristic< WitnessState< width, height > >
 CHeuristic< xyhLoc >
 CHeuristic< xyLoc >
 CHeuristic< xySpeedHeading >
 CHeuristic< xytLoc >
 CHeuristicLearningMeasure< state, action, environment >
 CHeuristicLookupBuffer< state, Environment >
 CHeuristicLookupBuffer< state, environment >
 CIBEX::IBEX< state, action, environment, DFS >
 CIncrementalBGS< state, action >::IBEXData
 CIncrementalBTS< state, action >::IBEXData
 CIDAStar< state, action, verbose >
 CIDAStarCR< state, action, buckets, verbose >
 CIncrementalBFS< state, action >
 CIncrementalBGS< state, action >
 CIncrementalBTS< state, action >
 CIncrementalDFID< state, action >
 CIncrementalIDA< state, action >
 CIndexCompare< state >
 CIndexCompareWithF< state >
 CIndexOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >
 CIndexOpenClosedData< state >This open/closed list is designed for state spaces where the hash is an index that is small enough that we can create a table for all indices
 CIndexOpenClosedDataWithF< state >
 CInteractiveWitnessState< width, height >
 CIOSCompare< state >
 CIOSOpenClosedData< state >
 CBOAStar< state, action, environment >::item
 CJsonSimple class that alows for building a tree of data that can be serialized into Json format
 CHLRTA::learnedData< state >
 ClearnedData< state >
 CFLRTA::learnedStateData< state >
 CDALRTA::lssLearnedData< state >
 ClssLearnedData< state >
 CMapA tile-based representation of the world
 CMM< state, action, environment, priorityQueue >
 CMMCompare< state, epsilon >
 CMNPuzzleState< width, height >
 CWitness< width, height >::mustCrossEdgeConstraint
 CNBitArray< numBits >This class supports compact n-bit arrays
 CNBitArray< 4 >
 CNBitArray< 8 >
 CNBitArray< pdbBits >
 CNBS< state, action, environment, dataStructure, priorityQueue >
 CNBSCompareOpenReady< state, DS >
 CNBSCompareOpenWaiting< state, DS >
 CNBSQueue< state, epsilon, moveLessEqToOpen, pQueue >
 CNBSQueue< state, 1 >
 COccupancyInterface< state, action >
 COccupancyInterface< graphState, graphMove >
 COccupancyInterface< xyLoc, tDirection >
 COpenClosedList< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey >A simple Heap class
 COpenClosedList< AStar3Util::SearchNode, AStar3Util::SearchNodeHash, AStar3Util::SearchNodeEqual, AStar3Util::SearchNodeCompare >
 COpenClosedList< CFOptimalRefinementConstants::GNode, CFOptimalRefinementConstants::NodeHash, CFOptimalRefinementConstants::NodeEqual, CFOptimalRefinementConstants::NodeCompare >
 COpenClosedList< GenericAStarUtil::SearchNode, GenericAStarUtil::SearchNodeHash, GenericAStarUtil::SearchNodeEqual, GenericAStarUtil::SearchNodeCompare >
 COpenClosedList< GNode, NodeHash, NodeEqual, NodeCompare >
 COpenClosedList< MeroBUtil::SearchNode, MeroBUtil::SearchNodeHash, MeroBUtil::SearchNodeEqual, MeroBUtil::GGreater >
 COpenClosedList< MeroBUtil::SearchNode, MeroBUtil::SearchNodeHash, MeroBUtil::SearchNodeEqual, MeroBUtil::SearchNodeCompare >
 COpenClosedList< OldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNode< state >, OldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeHash< state >, OldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeEqual< state >, OldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeCompare< state > >
 COpenListB< OBJ, HashKey, EqKey, CmpKey, SpecialKey, CmpKeyStrictExtract >A simple & efficient Heap class
 COpenListB< AStarDelayUtil::SearchNode, AStarDelayUtil::SearchNodeHash, AStarDelayUtil::SearchNodeEqual, AStarDelayUtil::GGreater, AStarDelayUtil::GGreater, AStarDelayUtil::FExtract >
 COpenListB< AStarDelayUtil::SearchNode, AStarDelayUtil::SearchNodeHash, AStarDelayUtil::SearchNodeEqual, AStarDelayUtil::SearchNodeCompare, AStarDelayUtil::GGreater, AStarDelayUtil::FExtract >
 COpenListB< PropUtil::SearchNode, PropUtil::SearchNodeHash, PropUtil::SearchNodeEqual, PropUtil::GGreater, PropUtil::GGreater, PropUtil::FExtract >
 COpenListB< PropUtil::SearchNode, PropUtil::SearchNodeHash, PropUtil::SearchNodeEqual, PropUtil::SearchNodeCompare, PropUtil::GGreater, PropUtil::FExtract >
 COpenListB< PropUtil::SearchNode, PropUtil::SearchNodeHash, PropUtil::SearchNodeEqual, PropUtil::TGreater, PropUtil::GGreater, PropUtil::FExtract >
 CFocalAdd< state, action, environment >::OpenTreapItem
 CFocal< state, action, environment >::OpenTreapItem
 COptimisticCompare< state >
 COptimisticOpenClosedData< state >
 CPancakePuzzleState< N >
 CParallelIDAStar< environment, state, action >
 CpathA linked list of nodes which form a continuous path
 CWitness< width, height >::PathLocation
 CPEAStarCompare< state >
 CPermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< state, action >Note, assumes that state has a public vector<int> called puzzle in which the permutation is held
 CPermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< MNPuzzleState< width, height >, slideDir >
 CPermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< PancakePuzzleState< N >, PancakePuzzleAction >
 CPermutationPuzzle::PermutationPuzzleEnvironment< TopSpinState< N >, TopSpinAction >
 CPermutations< N >
 CPublicUnitInfo< state, action, environment >
 CPuzzleInferenceRuleSet< State, Action >
 CBucketOpenClosed< state, CmpKey, dataStructure >::qData
 CrecVecA generic vector (essentially the same as a point, but offers normalization)
 CrgbColorA color; r/g/b are between 0...1
 CScenarioLoaderA class which loads and stores scenarios from files
 CSearchAlgorithmA generic algorithm which can be used for pathfinding
 CIBEX::IBEX< state, action, environment, DFS >::searchBounds
 CEBSearch< state, action, environment, DFS >::searchData
 CIncrementalBGS< state, action >::searchData
 CIncrementalBTS< state, action >::searchData
 COldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNode< state >A search node class to use with hash maps
 COldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeCompare< state >
 COldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeEqual< state >
 COldOldTemplateAStarUtil::SearchNodeHash< state >
 CFocalAdd< state, action, environment >::SearchState
 CFocal< state, action, environment >::SearchState
 CDWG::SectorData< sectorSize >
 CWitness< width, height >::separationObject
 CSFIDAStar< state, action >
 CSharedQueue< T >
 CSharedQueue< int >
 CSimpleNode< T >
 CSimulationInfo< state, action, environment >
 CStatCollectionFor collecting stats across different parts of the simulation
 CstateData< state >
 CBOAStar< state, action, environment >::stateInfo
 CTable< Ts >
 CDelayedHeuristicAStar< state, action, environment, batchHeuristic, openList >::tempData
 CTimeStep< state, action >Private per-unit unitSimulation data
 CTOHState< numDisks >
 CTOHState< disks >
 CTopSpinState< N >
 CTreap< key >
 CTreap< Focal::FocalTreapItem >
 CTreap< Focal::OpenTreapItem >
 CTreap< FocalAdd::FocalTreapItem >
 CTreap< FocalAdd::OpenTreapItem >
 CTreap< key >::TreapNode
 CUnit< state, action, environment >
 CUnit< xyLoc, tDirection, environment >
 CUnit< xyLoc, tDirection, MapEnvironment >
 CUnitCostBidirectionalBFS< state, action >
 CUnitGroup< state, action, environment >
 CUnitGroup< xyLoc, tDirection, environment >
 CUnitGroup< xyLoc, tDirection, MapEnvironment >
 CUnitInfo< state, action, environment >
 CvectorCache< storage >
 CvectorCache< Action >
 CvectorCache< action >
 CvectorCache< double >
 CvectorCache< EntropyInfo >
 CvectorCache< int >
 CWitnessState< width, height >
 CworkUnit< action >